Monday, 14 October 2013 19:36

Text development workshop - 2005


This project is an attempt at a follow-up to last year’s project, which resulted in the successful presentation of “HIStory, HERstory, HOUSESTORY, OURstory”. The objective of this year’s project, which also falls under the umbrella of “theatre as a social tool”, is to attempt through the communality of a theatre process to bring to the surface and help alleviate social problems. The new aspect that we plan to include is a more firm attachment to texts. The process will impact mostly the participants, but the spectators of the performance are also beneficiaries of the process, and undertake the new role of spectactor, who is according to Brecht and Boal a new type of spectator with an active role in the creative process and performance. The common theme dealt with in the workshop and the play is explored from a private and a collective viewpoint, taking as a departure point our relations to texts (both our own and written by others) in such a way that the play itself presents this binary in a manner that promotes constructive interaction and not passive entertainment.


The structure of the workshop is the following: it has a duration of 4 months, the first two being the workshop part of the process, during which the group will work together under the guidance of the Creative Directors to produce a text. During this time, the group will work around an existing text, originating from a non-Cypriot tradition (or Greek or Turkish), which will have the theme of “Re-inventing Gender”. Through the weekly meetings of the Group during these first two months, the participants will be asked to bring their own texts into the process (both texts they have written themselves, or ones written by others), thus enriching and reinventing the idea of gender in our culture by implanting many diverse perspectives in an already exciting and “foreign” idea of female-ness and male-ness. The process will be complemented by the addition of image (film) and music, working in a dialectic with the text and action on stage. The second part of the process is a more conventional rehearsal process, in order to produce the play.

Where and When

Rehearsals will be held in Nicosia (at the William J. Fulbright Commission) once a week for the first 2 months and 3 times (or more) a week for the second 2 months. The workshop will start at the end of March 2005 and the performance will be presented in mid July 2005.


Read 4532 times Last modified on Saturday, 05 September 2015 08:37