Shift (2014)

Shift is a sited devised performance collage created collaboratively by performers and artists from the local Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot artistic community.

The piece is based on narratives, sounds and images related to the conditions, history and formation of the buffer zone area as well as excerpts from the absurdist play Picnic in the Battlefield by Fernando Arrabal.

The play, based on the Spanish Civil War, is set on a battlefield and a commentary on the absurdity of war. Other materials collected for the performance include: sound recordings from the buffer zone and its surroundings, interviews of former home owners and research of rules governing the transportation of goods, historical research of the surrounding buildings.

The performance, on 19th October, 2014, is part of the Buffer Fringe Festival, organized by the Home for Cooperation, a project of the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research.

Director: Gülgün Kayim

Dramaturgy: Ellada Eva

Production Assistant: Marilena Kyriacou, Zoe Kakota

Performers: Sinem Ertaner, Vasiliki Andreou, Marilena Kyriacou, Joanna Kordatou, Nadia Mowafy, Michalis Aristidou, Themida Nicolaou, Leda Koumide, Oya Akin, Christophoros Liverdos

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